Jeff's Guide to Naturist Photography
Photography is one of the most powerful ways that we as naturists can express ourselves, share our experiences, and show people what naturism is all about. It is also an area that can be fraught for a lot of naturists, worrying that our pictures might be misinterpreted. For people who haven’t studied the subject, photography can seem as simple as pointing the camera at the subject, and pressing a button. But there are so many decisions that we make, often unconsciously, that determine both the quality of the photo, and more importantly, what the photo says to the viewer. Here I would like to share some tips I have picked up from my experience and studies, to help the naturist community to take photos that not only look great, but also show what naturism is, and avoid giving viewers the wrong impression. This is not meant to be “thou shalt do things my way.” I’m not a professional photographer, photography is an art, and you are the artist. By all means, take your photos however you wan...